AOA Season 5 Ep 15
Molly: Hello and welcome to a podcast about creating experimental art in trauma-informed and sustainable ways that support artists, our communities and the organization as a whole. I'm your host, Molly, and you're listening to Any Other Anythings.
Molly: In this season, we are focused on the latest project being produced by Grey Box Collective. It is titled Positive Ruminations. So this is an event that will feature four new works and each episode of this season of Any Other Anythings will feature conversations from the creative teams developing the new work, and we are really focusing on capturing the process and sharing out the things we find interesting along the way. Hope that you enjoy the season of Any Other Anythings.
Molly: Hey all, welcome to another episode of Any Other Anythings. I'm your host Molly, just here to introduce this episode. This is with Delia, John and Eli talking about Solastalgia. And so this is recorded after the final rehearsal. And we talk about the editing process and just like the bizarre magic that happens during this process trauma-informed creative practices and the way that we work and how it always seems to fall together in the end, fall apart.
But you'll have to stay tuned for the rest of the episode to find out more about that. Alright. Enjoy.
Molly: And yeah, so we've just finished the last rehearsal for Solastalgia. How are y'all feeling? What are you thinking about? What do you want to capture in this moment? What do you think, or what are you excited to share with audiences?Also naming this was a lot for one rehearsal!
john: I feel like we really trimmed the fat, as it were, off the stake, and we kind of got straight to the meat and yeah, just kind of elongating like pieces and chapters, bits that need to be longer and cutting down some props and emphasizing other props we have. I think it's more clearer and smoother now if that makes sense.
Eli: Yeah I'm glad we got to really mold the process today. Last time we did set up our sticky notes and stuff and we did, with that, have more of a mask of like what we want to do. But now we got to cut stuff down and like really shape what it is that we want to do and make some moments more powerful.
Delia: Yeah today felt like about letting each moment fully marinate and breathe and exist. So that also like every object we're touching or using is for a purpose. It's not like juggling a bunch of things without needing to. And then we kind of ended up creating like some more juggling to happen, but for a, an intention and not just for excess.
Molly: I think what surprised me was when we got to kind of the end of that last oh, we don't need any of the movement and the choreography, quote unquote, if you will, and how, like, it just kind of fell off, like the cutting of the trimming the fat. I think sometimes we think of it as like this very intentional, like, oh, this piece is going to get cut out.
Molly: But I feel like. I don't want to, like, use this example, but I'm going to, like, the falling off of the bone.
john: Yeah.
Molly: Yeah.
john: If you're cooking, like, a stew, and then the bone, the meat just falls off. Yeah.
Molly: I feel like that's more what happened today than necessarily, like -
john: Yes, that's a better metaphor,
Molly: And I was very surprised with what fell off the bone today, I guess is what I wanted to say.
So yeah, anything else you want to capture in our last rehearsal?
Eli: I'm excited to keep moving forward and, yeah, see the, see the show.
Molly: Yeah.
Delia: I'm excited to get the makey makey working and make lots of gestures with it.
Molly: Hey, listener. Thank you so much for taking the time and energy to check out another episode of any other anything's greatly appreciate your presence. Be sure to check out the show notes for links to find out more about this podcast, the speakers and Grey Box Collective. You can also go to for a full transcript of this episode. Thank you again for listening. Thank you again for being here. Greatly appreciate it. Take care of yourselves and each other.