AOA Season 5 Ep 14
Molly: Hello and welcome to a podcast about creating experimental art in trauma-informed and sustainable ways that support artists, our communities and the organization as a whole. I'm your host, Molly, and you're listening to Any Other Anythings.
Molly: In this season, we are focused on the latest project being produced by Grey Box Collective. It is titled Positive Ruminations. So this is an event that will feature four new works and each episode of this season of Any Other Anythings will feature conversations from the creative teams developing the new work, and we are really focusing on capturing the process and sharing out the things we find interesting along the way. Hope that you enjoy the season of Any Other Anythings.
Molly: Hey all, welcome back to another episode of Any Other Anythings. We are in the home stretch with, all of the rehearsals, which is like wild and exciting. And yeah, I'm a little in denial about it. So this episode, you will hear Romeo and Lauren talk about EMP_T_Y and what went down in our last rehearsal before the show, and I think that's all I'll share.
Alright. Enjoy.
Molly: That was our last rehearsal.
Lauren: Yeah.
Molly: Which is wild. So, yeah, what, let's summarize what we did and then like, how are y'all feeling? Like, this is the end.
Lauren: The piece has a new ending. Which I feel is super satisfying. And I'm excited to bring the audience along for that ride.
Romeo: I feel like in this rehearsal, we kind of like tapered down a little bit., and kind of refreshed on like, what are we doing? What are we talking about? What does this piece mean?
And I feel like we kind of worked backwards but in a positive way and it got us to like a really like that satisfying ending where we have set up the piece enough where the ending is the satisfying part now.
Molly: Yeah, and I think there's something about, almost like breaking it apart a little bit more; like letting it shatter almost that allowed some real peaks and valleys to come forward today.
So as we're here, what are you hoping audiences are thinking about or what might someone in the audience find interesting about this piece? Like what's going to pique their interest about this?
Lauren: Something that kind of came to light today was this almost characterization. There's not characters in the show, but there's definitely like play between different ways that we handle news and respond to it.
You might have someone in your life that's just posting and sharing and sending and blurting out all the current events even when you don't have the space for that. So we see more of that coming through in the movement and the play between our performers. And then we see that, what is it to be overstimulated and to be just done and overwhelmed and, you know, needing that, like, break. And that void away from so many headlines and current events and, you know, tips and tricks and cute things to look at and shop for and as all of that piles up.
Molly: Yeah, there's like a, a parsing out of it all, which makes sense because we have this giant pile of newspaper and then it's like, okay, cool. What do we do with it all? Yeah.
Other thoughts that you'd like to capture today or share with people prior to them seeing this?
Lauren: I hope you like origami.
Molly: Yeah.
Molly: Hey, listener. Thank you so much for taking the time and energy to check out another episode of Any Other Anythings. Greatly appreciate your presence. Be sure to check out the show notes for links to find out more about this podcast, the speakers and Grey Box Collective. You can also go to for a full transcript of this episode. Thank you again for listening. Thank you again for being here. Greatly appreciate it. Take care of yourselves and each other.